Department: Employment Law for Employers
Department: Employment Law for Employers
Department: Employment Law for Employers
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Department: Employment Law for Employers
What is voluntary redundancy?
Voluntary redundancy is an option in some circumstances and may be offered by an employer. Find out here...
Employment LawWhat are the rules for large-scale or collective redundancies?
In the case of collective redundancies a clear redundancy plan should be in place to help manage the process. Find out more here...
Employment LawWhat is the correct redundancy procedure?
For employers to protect themselves from claims of unfair dismissal the correct redundancy procedures must be followed. Find out more here...
Employment LawHow long does the redundancy process last?
How long a consultation periods lasts depends on a number of factors. Find out more here.

What is a Protective Award?
A Protective Award is compensation given to an employee by an employer following an Employment Tribunal relating to redundancy consultation.
Employment LawWhat is redundancy?
Redundancy happens when a business needs to let go of staff who are no longer required. Find out more here...
Employment ContractsShould a settlement agreement be confidential?
Most employers will want to keep the terms of a settlement agreement confidential. Find out more here...
Employment ContractsShould I seek legal advice before signing a settlement agreement?
In this article we explore certain conditions of a settlement agreement and why it is important to seek advice.