Department: Wills & Probate
Department: Wills & Probate
Department: Wills & Probate
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Department: Wills & Probate
Why are court fees increasing?
After a government consultation in November 2023, there will be an increase of court fees from 1 May 2024.
Private WealthWhat makes a will valid?
For a will to be valid certain steps must be taken and conditions met.
Private WealthCan an executor of my will also be a beneficiary?
Yes, an executor of a will can also be a beneficiary. In fact, this is very common.
Private WealthWhat are the rules of intestacy?
The rules of intestacy make it clear who can and cannot inherit in the absence of a will. For more information read here.

What should be included in a will?
There are many aspects to consider when drafting a will. Read here for more information on these considerations.
Private WealthWhy do I need a will?
A will is a legally binding document communicating your wishes for your assets following your death. Read more here.
Private WealthHow do I review and update my will?
You can update and review your will at any time you please. Here you can view how this can be done.
Private WealthWhat can I leave in my will?
A will details what should happen to your estate (including money, property, investments, and your possessions).