Free consultation
An initial discussion with a wills and probate expert won’t cost you a penny. For all other legal work, a fixed fee will be provided.
Same day appointments
Our responsive service provides complete flexibility whether you prefer a telephone consultation, video call, email or an appointment in person.
Experienced solicitors
Our expert team is made up of fully-qualified solicitors who are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Five-star Service
We are proud of our exceptional levels of client care, which has gained us a five-star Google rating.
How we can help
Talk to us about
- Drafting your will
- Lasting Power of Attorney
- Inheritance tax planning
- Trusts and estate administration
- Probate
Why you need an expert lawyer
Not all will writers are the same, many are not solicitors and are unregulated, which means that if something goes wrong, you have no protection.
By choosing an expert wills and probate solicitor, you can have complete peace of mind that you are getting the best possible advice and your affairs are being properly looked after.
Many unregulated will-writers charge extra for storage of your will, but at Beswicks Legal there are no hidden charges and we even store your will for free.
Our expertise is not limited to drafting wills, we have extensive knowledge of
Lasting Powers of Attorney, inheritance tax planning, trusts and estate administration and probate.